Workshop Format mit bis zu 10 Mitarbeitern, die beim Kunden Innovation in den Fachbereichen Treiben sollen/wollen. Neben den Fit4Future Sessions für Wissentransfer sollen als Ziel ein oder mehrere Ideen, inklusive Roadmap, erarbeitet werden (Feasability, Risks, etc…). Dies dient auch der identifizierung potentieller Bestandteile beim Kunden die voraussetzung für digitale transformation darstellen und verbessert oder etabliert werden müssen.


Igniting Innovation Through Collaborative Workshops!

Engage with your team members in our dynamic workshop format designed to ignite innovation directly within your organization.


From Vision to Feasibility – Crafting the Future Together.

Our approach doesn’t just stop at brainstorming; we delve into feasibility assessments, risk evaluations, and more. With our expert facilitation, your team will navigate through the intricacies of innovation.


Actionable steps, fostering innovation and propelling your organization towards lasting success. Addionally you will gain the blueprint for product creation, kickstarting your journey from idea to reality.

Foster Creativity

Our coaching unlocks creativity, empowering teams to think outside the box, fostering innovation, and generating groundbreaking ideas.ore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.

Navigate Confidently

Gain insights and guidance from experts, equipped with tools to navigate modern business complexities effectively.

Achieve Tangible Results

Transform aspirations into reality with coaching that propels ideas from conception to implementation, driving sustainable growth.


Spark innovation with our workshops and be part of shaping your 
organization’s future!


Discover transformative coaching sessions. Empower your team with insights on data, digitalization, and agile methods. Let’s navigate change together.


Transform your business with Innovation Catalyst, offering expert coaching, dynamic workshops, and cutting-edge MVP design to thrive in disruption through harnessing data science, AI, and digital tech.

Let Us Help You.

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